Our Services

Surveillance Cameras

Internal surveillance cameras are characterized by very high accuracy and the ability to zoom. The ability to record the sound and streamlined shape of Doom night vision (Night Vision) capability, multiple IR modules for SMART IR operation, and a robust, durable housing The shocks contain a CMOS SENSOR LIGHT SENSOR and a CCD SENSOR to optimize illumination in high and low light. Cameras feature External surveillance with extremely high resolution, zoom capability, and the smooth look of dome-box surveillance cameras.

ِAccess Control Systems

Entry and exit control devices, or otherwise known as access control, control the entry of people to and from specific places at specific times and enable you to fully control the doors in the sense that a specific person can enter a place and another person cannot enter the same place - while this person has the right to enter, but It is possible to control the times in which he can enter, and he can be prevented from entering at other times And for Access control, it is used in safe places and important rooms that can be used No one can and does not allow anyone to enter it except with a pass permit, and this permit is (a card, a password, or a fingerprint).

Time Attendance Machinee

The possibility of obtaining detailed reports on the movement of workers (attendance, departure, absence, delay, leaving before the appointment, overtime - net hours). The program has a protection system so that the program is not allowed to be opened except with a password The program is on any number of computers at the same time, with the ease of linking the program with the fingerprint device through the internal network.

Networks Solutions

A full-fledged work team. All networking works are at the highest level of technology and raw materials, keeping up with the latest developments to serve you.

Fire Alarm Systems

It works to install alarms in your home to secure it from fires, risks and damages that may be caused to it as a result of the fire, which It may cause many losses in property and lives, and in order to avoid such risks, our company works with the latest preventive and defensive systems to avoid the occurrence of such serious disasters, as we understand the important need to maintain security from disasters through high-accuracy and effective warning and control systems and a professional team in preparation and maintenance using latest Technologies in the field of fire alarm systems, and several rules and procedures must be taken into account, as they must be followed accurately to protect from any risks.

Intercom systems

The most important thing that distinguishes the audio system in general is the ability to contact the property guard directly, in addition to its distinguished prices. There are two types of audio intercom systems, which are individual systems, which are a complete audio intercom that includes (intercom kit, panel and transformer) and is characterized by the possibility of opening and closing the door automatically and also installing additional intercom kit on the same line These systems are suitable for one or two apartments at most.


You can use internal exchanges to create an internal communication network between: Employees in the company you own. Or in the apartment building you live in. Or among the workers in the factory you own.
